
emspace thoughts

What's floating around in Em's brain today?

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Felt like shit today......... I think it was a combination of the sudden weather change to sunshine and 18 degrees, only getting four hours of sleep on Thursday and then getting so exhausted on Friday that I couldn't sleep last night. Then getting dragged out to go shopping early this morning just put the icing on the cake and when I got back I felt like all my arms and legs were about to drop off and my mood was so bad that if anyone so much as said something to me in a slightly off tone of voice, it would provoke me into biting their head off.

I think I have been working too hard... I somehow ended up taking on the work for two of my colleagues who are on leave, in addition to my own work and people don't seem to appreciate that when they put heavy demands on you to deliver. Friday was a tough day, getting my work ripped to pieces in a meeting with a bunch of senior managers only to find later on that it was right after all and working non-stop constantly being hounded for this report and that report and ending the day with a meeting in which my own manager was falling asleep. Half past four couldn't come soon enough!

So I spent the afternoon today in and out of sleep, drinking and drinking and drinking to try and get myself rehydrated. Managed to slot in watching some of "Light of Million Hope" in between sleeping... great show, but I envisage a bit of a long hard slog to get to the end of 78 eps though!

Our wedding anniversary this week - two years already!
Looks like it'll be steak and sushi as neither of us have the inclination to go out - so lazy, but I think home is often the most comfortable place to be.

Not posted a Snoopy strip for a while, today's is rather apt:


Thursday, April 22, 2004

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(This is in Chinese Simplified encoding... don't ask me why, it just is!)


Monday, April 12, 2004

Hmm... back in the UK for a week now and everything back to the usual busy states. I never got round to completing my holiday diary, but the few days in KL are summed up in Day 10, so it probably isn't worth me detailing the numerous laps we did of Sungei Wang Plaza and the many meals we ate in Lot 10 food court and Dai Pai Dong.

Easter weekend was spent working mainly, but I was really pleased to catch up with an old pal today and grab a quick coffee before she returned to London. I think I have sold the idea of a holiday to Malaysia to her and her other half, jo will be so pleased with me promoting her country to my fellow Brits so that we can come and boost the economy a little more. In two minds as to whether I should go to work tomorrow... on one hand I would really like a chance to recover properly from my trip, but the extra money would come in handy towards going back to Malaysia soon. With it being nearly 1am, I think that the sleeping bug is gonna win this one........

I dug out some old CDs to listen to today and among them were a few from my long lost idol Wong Yik. Listening to some of his songs really takes me back to when I was about 15, but it sure beats most of the so-called singers churned out from the star factories nowadays. If you have no idea at all who I am talking about, then click on this specially made intro page: Em's Wong Yik page. You can listen to some of his songs there, provided I still have enough bandwidth...

Oh and I got an Easter Egg off my dad....... chocolate galore!!Mmmmmm.........
Happy Easter...

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