
emspace thoughts

What's floating around in Em's brain today?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

My personality type appears to have changed again:


What makes an ISTJ tick?
The Dominant function is the perceptive one of Sensing. Characteristics associated with this function include:

Likes looking at information in terms of facts and details
Focuses more on the here and now rather than possibilities for the future
Feels comfortable in areas of proven experience
Takes a realistic approach
The perceptive Sensing function is introverted. That is, Sensing is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. The ISTJ will therefore:

Seek to develop a realistic understanding of the world as it is, in the light of what he/she observes
Be pragmatic in nature, constantly learning to adapt to the world as it is now
Observe in a subjective way, selecting and relating facts that others would not, and seeing those facts more in terms of impressions and significance than pure fact
The Sensing function is primarily supported by extroverted Thinking judgement, That is, Thinking judgement is used primarily to manage the outer world of actions and spoken words. This will modify the way that the Sensing is directed, by:

focusing the (inner world) Sensing on impersonal facts and logical options
tending to spot flaws and injustices
making decisions on the basis of logical analysis that support the ISTJ's understanding of the world.
The classic temperament of an ISTJ is Epimethean, or Melancholic, for whom a basic driving force is duty, service and the need to belong.

Contributions to the team of an ISTJ
In a team environment, the ISTJ can contribute by:

working hard and efficiently to complete tasks by the deadlines set
sorting ideas and identifying those that are most practical
applying a common sense approach to problem solving
maintaining team focus on the objective
contributing practical organisational skills
applying procedures and methodologies
applying relevant and realistic logical arguments
The potential ways in which an ISTJ can irritate others include:

focusing too much on the current task at the expense of longer term or interpersonal issues
not articulating his/her understanding of the situation
not seeing the wood for the trees
being too serious
seeming to be inflexible
not encouraging others to experiment or innovate
not promoting his/her own ideas or achievements

Personal Growth
As with all types, the ISTJ can achieve personal growth by developing all functions that are not fully developed, through actions such as:
articulating more of the ISTJ's own views
developing a long term vision, that avoids focusing on details
developing a greater understanding of how people feel
changing things on an experimental basis to see if they can be improved
learning to promote the ISTJ's ideas and achievements to others, recognising that others may well find them valuable
making decisions on the basis of how others will feel, rather than objective considerations

Recognising Stress
As stress increases, 'learned behaviour' tends to give way to the natural style, so the ISTJ will behave more according to type when under greater stress. For example, in a crisis, the ISTJ might:

find a place of solitude in which to think and work
use tried and trusted means of solving problems
direct or criticise others' efforts
use pragmatic solutions at the expense of the long term
Under extreme stress, fatigue or illness, the ISTJ's shadow may appear - a negative form of ENFP. Example characteristics are:

having a gloomy view of a future
suggesting impractical ideas
acting impulsively, and changing things without any thought
having intense negative feelings towards others (though these might not be expressed)
The shadow is part of the unconscious that is often visible to others, onto whom the shadow is projected. The ISTJ may therefore readily see these faults in others without recognising it in him/her self.
